Thursday, March 28, 2013

Element 1: Interdisciplinary Learning

This Wednesday (March 27) 12-6pm EST we will be hosting an interactive activity on Twitter!
We ask that everyone interested get involved!

First, find an object in nature of interest to you. Then, Tweet a line of poetry about your object (using #Nifkin, and #EduEar). When we see your line, we (@MadiCapp, @LowPiano, @Hannah_Gage22) will respond with an interesting or unique fact about your object!

To the students from Georgia and Taiwan, we are very interested in getting your involvement in our project as well, and want to see the differing objects present in the Northern US, the Southern US, and Asia.

After, the poems and their corresponding facts will be compiled on a Storify document and Tweeted under the hashtags on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

Spreading awareness through interaction and a combination of environmental education, science and English through the power of the internet~ !


  1. Hey, remember to list the time as 12-6 pm EST.

    Especially if you're hoping for participation from other countries.

  2. Where's the follow-up poem/Storify/whatever to all the stuff that was tweeted last week?

  3. Glad you asked! It's right here :)
